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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2024-01-30
Length: 6 pages
Data source: Field research
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This case follows the situation arising from the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, which forced the Eastern Mindfulness company to transition the business from physical to virtual interactions. Mr Alok Taunk had successfully started Eastern Mindfulness, which offered interactive and engaging seminars, online courses, and mobile applications (MindFeed) that addressed holistic wellness, performance, and self-development. However, because of the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, Mr Taunk had to cancel all his bookings and return to the clients any advances.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.About
This case follows the situation arising from the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, which forced the Eastern Mindfulness company to transition the business from physical to virtual interactions. Mr Alok Taunk had successfully started Eastern Mindfulness, which offered interactive and engaging seminars, online courses, and mobile applications (MindFeed) that addressed holistic wellness, performance, and self-development. However, because of the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, Mr Taunk had to cancel all his bookings and return to the clients any advances.