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Ivey Publishing
Version: 2024-01-24
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
On April 24, 2019, the founder and owner of Lifely Wellness Ltd in the village of La Jolla, near San Diego, California, received a call from a customer who wanted to purchase some Jordan's Oil, Lifely Wellness Ltd's best-selling product. Jordan's Oil was an activated hemp-based cannabidiol tincture named after the founder's son. However, the shop could not supply the product immediately to the customer because the delivery from its supplier was late-again. The founder had been investigating possible alternative sources of supply and wondered whether this was the right time to act. After sourcing two new suppliers, she faced a pressing business operations dilemma. Should she continue working with her current supplier, which controlled a significant part of the supply chain? Or should she develop a new relationship with one or two smaller suppliers? The founder knew that this decision could determine the future and survival of her operation; therefore, she needed to take an in-depth look at her business options, from a strategic perspective.
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On April 24, 2019, the founder and owner of Lifely Wellness Ltd in the village of La Jolla, near San Diego, California, received a call from a customer who wanted to purchase some Jordan's Oil, Lifely Wellness Ltd's best-selling product. Jordan's Oil was an activated hemp-based cannabidiol tincture named after the founder's son. However, the shop could not supply the product immediately to the customer because the delivery from its supplier was late-again. The founder had been investigating possible alternative sources of supply and wondered whether this was the right time to act. After sourcing two new suppliers, she faced a pressing business operations dilemma. Should she continue working with her current supplier, which controlled a significant part of the supply chain? Or should she develop a new relationship with one or two smaller suppliers? The founder knew that this decision could determine the future and survival of her operation; therefore, she needed to take an in-depth look at her business options, from a strategic perspective.