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Asian Business Case Centre
Version: 21 July 2003
Length: 30 pages
Data source: Field research
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Nicholas Cho and Vincent Quek, two young Singaporean entrepreneurs, were ready to extend their line of street wear, Flesh Imp. After two years of steadily increasing sales, the team felt that the time was right to create the breakthrough retail environment that would fuse fashion, lifestyle, culture and art and bring the street movement to life. This ''lifestyle boutique'' would feature the Flesh Imp brand exclusively. The only remaining question was how to convince a group of financiers of the power of ''street'' culture, the scale of their idea, and the viability of their business entity, despite their youth and the trendy crowd to whom their products appealed.
Nicholas Cho and Vincent Quek, two young Singaporean entrepreneurs, were ready to extend their line of street wear, Flesh Imp. After two years of steadily increasing sales, the team felt that the time was right to create the breakthrough retail environment that would fuse fashion, lifestyle, culture and art and bring the street movement to life. This ''lifestyle boutique'' would feature the Flesh Imp brand exclusively. The only remaining question was how to convince a group of financiers of the power of ''street'' culture, the scale of their idea, and the viability of their business entity, despite their youth and the trendy crowd to whom their products appealed.