Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Aalto University School of Economics (formerly HSE)
Length: 6 pages
Data source: Field research
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Outokumpu is an international mining company, operating in 30 countries and employing 15,000 persons. In 1995 Outokumpu''s net sales were FIM 17 billion. Outokumpu Mintec, one of the four divisions of Outokumpu, had companies among others in Mexico, the USA and Canada. In early May 1996, the area manager for North-America and Africa at Outokumpu Mintec Oy wondered what factors to take into the account when evaluating the North American subsidiary network and how to utilise it even better especially with the forthcoming introduction of NAFTA.
Outokumpu is an international mining company, operating in 30 countries and employing 15,000 persons. In 1995 Outokumpu''s net sales were FIM 17 billion. Outokumpu Mintec, one of the four divisions of Outokumpu, had companies among others in Mexico, the USA and Canada. In early May 1996, the area manager for North-America and Africa at Outokumpu Mintec Oy wondered what factors to take into the account when evaluating the North American subsidiary network and how to utilise it even better especially with the forthcoming introduction of NAFTA.