Subject category:
Published by:
Babson College
Version: 10.07.97
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
Starting a business; Creativity; Funding R&D; Developing a technology; Developing a commercial product; Growing a business; Environmental issues; Patents; Intellectual property; Government regulations; Automobile and truck industries; Natural gas transmission industry; Financing a venture; Alliances with huge corporations; Mentoring
This case enables students to understand the process that many inventors-cum-entrepreneurs go through as they strive to develop their inventions and find commercial applications. ENOX Technologies was started on a shoestring by Voit Damevski and Stanley Rich in 1989 to develop technology for reducing nitrogen oxide emitted from diesel engines. Their initial R&D contracts came from a very large engine manufacturer. After four years of relentless effort developing their technology with a number of R&D contracts from large companies and State and Federal Government agencies, they found a viable niche for their technology in the natural gas transmission industry. This case can be positioned almost anywhere in a basic entrepreneurship course, but the later it is in the course, the more the students will get from it, because it touches on material that is taught throughout a new ventures course.
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This case enables students to understand the process that many inventors-cum-entrepreneurs go through as they strive to develop their inventions and find commercial applications. ENOX Technologies was started on a shoestring by Voit Damevski and Stanley Rich in 1989 to develop technology for reducing nitrogen oxide emitted from diesel engines. Their initial R&D contracts came from a very large engine manufacturer. After four years of relentless effort developing their technology with a number of R&D contracts from large companies and State and Federal Government agencies, they found a viable niche for their technology in the natural gas transmission industry. This case can be positioned almost anywhere in a basic entrepreneurship course, but the later it is in the course, the more the students will get from it, because it touches on material that is taught throughout a new ventures course.
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