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Compact case
Reference no. 802-087-1
Subject category: Entrepreneurship
Published by: Babson College
Originally published in: 2002
Version: 10.18.02
Length: 5 pages
Data source: Field research


Two college friends return to Nantucket Island, where they had worked during college summers, to start a business so they can live permanently on the Island. They create a unique juice blend made out of nectars and other ingredients and initially sell it only on the Island where demand was high. They are convinced that the product will work on the mainland as well but their distributors don''t seem to be pushing the product as much as they could. The partners debate whether to distribute the product themselves in Boston and Washington, DC or continue to use distributors. They target large public events and engage in guerrilla marketing by dressing up in grape suits and giving out free samples during traffic jams. Their competitors take notice of their popularity and Ocean Spray eventually buys them. The teaching note includes strategies for case presentation, key concepts, some solutions to the assignment questions in the case, and suggestions for the most effective ways to work this case into a course.
Early growth
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Two college friends return to Nantucket Island, where they had worked during college summers, to start a business so they can live permanently on the Island. They create a unique juice blend made out of nectars and other ingredients and initially sell it only on the Island where demand was high. They are convinced that the product will work on the mainland as well but their distributors don''t seem to be pushing the product as much as they could. The partners debate whether to distribute the product themselves in Boston and Washington, DC or continue to use distributors. They target large public events and engage in guerrilla marketing by dressing up in grape suits and giving out free samples during traffic jams. Their competitors take notice of their popularity and Ocean Spray eventually buys them. The teaching note includes strategies for case presentation, key concepts, some solutions to the assignment questions in the case, and suggestions for the most effective ways to work this case into a course.


Early growth
Other setting(s):
