Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Wits Business School - University of the Witwatersrand
Length: 30 pages
Data source: Field research
Rob Brozin, Chairman of Nando's International, based in South Africa, was reconsidering the company's international expansion program in general, and the decision to enter Singapore and Malaysia in particular. The time was April 1997, and the company had completed a successful listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The aims of the listing were to insulate the South African operations from the risks of international expansion and to raise necessary capital for expansion. The key uncertainty facing Brozin was the extent to which Nando's success in South Africa was transferable abroad. The company had limited success with previous international expansion, but believed that the mistakes of the past had been corrected. The case outlines Nando's origins and the development of its unique corporate culture. Early international developments are described and the restructuring that followed is summarized. The case ends with the decision to go into SE Asia in 1997. This case was submitted for inclusion in the Indiana University CIBER Case Collection through a CIBER-sponsored case competition.
Rob Brozin, Chairman of Nando's International, based in South Africa, was reconsidering the company's international expansion program in general, and the decision to enter Singapore and Malaysia in particular. The time was April 1997, and the company had completed a successful listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The aims of the listing were to insulate the South African operations from the risks of international expansion and to raise necessary capital for expansion. The key uncertainty facing Brozin was the extent to which Nando's success in South Africa was transferable abroad. The company had limited success with previous international expansion, but believed that the mistakes of the past had been corrected. The case outlines Nando's origins and the development of its unique corporate culture. Early international developments are described and the restructuring that followed is summarized. The case ends with the decision to go into SE Asia in 1997. This case was submitted for inclusion in the Indiana University CIBER Case Collection through a CIBER-sponsored case competition.