Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Aalto University School of Economics (formerly HSE)
Length: 23 pages
Data source: Field research
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In July 1999, the Managing Director of Futuremark, an Internet-driven software company from Helsinki, Finland, was contemplating the future of the company. Futuremark was focused on 3-dimensional benchmarking, known for its impartial and reliable evaluation of graphics and 3D performance of the computers of various manufacturers. Aside the Helsinki headquarters, it had an office in Canada and in the UK. Further growth and internationalisation were sought, but where and how to achieve it? Additional financing would be needed as well, and the various methods must be considered in the analysis. Along with the financing options, students are expected to determine the value of the firm. This cross- functional case describes also the entrepreneurs behind the company. The case is suitable for various courses at all levels of business education.
Small to medium enterprise
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In July 1999, the Managing Director of Futuremark, an Internet-driven software company from Helsinki, Finland, was contemplating the future of the company. Futuremark was focused on 3-dimensional benchmarking, known for its impartial and reliable evaluation of graphics and 3D performance of the computers of various manufacturers. Aside the Helsinki headquarters, it had an office in Canada and in the UK. Further growth and internationalisation were sought, but where and how to achieve it? Additional financing would be needed as well, and the various methods must be considered in the analysis. Along with the financing options, students are expected to determine the value of the firm. This cross- functional case describes also the entrepreneurs behind the company. The case is suitable for various courses at all levels of business education.
Small to medium enterprise
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