Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Length: 20 pages
Data source: Published sources
This case reviews the criticisms that have been made of Nike on ethical grounds as a result of the employment practices of its South East Asian subcontractors, and Nike''s response to them, and sets these in the context of Nike''s competitive environment. Comparisons are drawn with Reebok, Nike''s main competitor, which has encountered similar ethical problems but has received much less public criticism.
This case reviews the criticisms that have been made of Nike on ethical grounds as a result of the employment practices of its South East Asian subcontractors, and Nike''s response to them, and sets these in the context of Nike''s competitive environment. Comparisons are drawn with Reebok, Nike''s main competitor, which has encountered similar ethical problems but has received much less public criticism.