Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
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Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
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Petrol was the larger of two socially owned oil marketing and distribution companies in the Republic of Slovenia as part of the former Yugoslavia. After Slovenia won its independence and converted from a socialist to a market economy, Petrol was privatised. The management of the company faced the decision of the appropriate capital structure and dividend policy. Since the company is virtually all equity financed there is an opportunity to examine these issues with a 'clean sheet of paper' - without any company history to bias the decision. This case was sponsored by the Indiana University CIBER Case Collection.
Petrol was the larger of two socially owned oil marketing and distribution companies in the Republic of Slovenia as part of the former Yugoslavia. After Slovenia won its independence and converted from a socialist to a market economy, Petrol was privatised. The management of the company faced the decision of the appropriate capital structure and dividend policy. Since the company is virtually all equity financed there is an opportunity to examine these issues with a 'clean sheet of paper' - without any company history to bias the decision. This case was sponsored by the Indiana University CIBER Case Collection.