Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Length: 22 pages
Data source: Published sources
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The Chief Executive of Hong Kong was quick to express his concern over the overheating property market in his first official speech at the ceremony to establish the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The case describes the development of Hong Kong''s property industry since the 1970s and the uniqueness of Hong Kong being a former British colony and with the highest population density in the world. A policy task force, set up in March 1997, was to prepare an action plan to be announced in the maiden policy address delivered by the Chief Executive in October 1997. This case can be used in conjunction with ''The Hong Kong Property Industry 1999'' (300-023-1).
The Chief Executive of Hong Kong was quick to express his concern over the overheating property market in his first official speech at the ceremony to establish the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The case describes the development of Hong Kong''s property industry since the 1970s and the uniqueness of Hong Kong being a former British colony and with the highest population density in the world. A policy task force, set up in March 1997, was to prepare an action plan to be announced in the maiden policy address delivered by the Chief Executive in October 1997. This case can be used in conjunction with ''The Hong Kong Property Industry 1999'' (300-023-1).