Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Length: 17 pages
Data source: Field research
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CargoNet had already established a presence in Hong Kong''s sea cargo business through the implementation of electronic commerce (EC) services. However, its aim was to develop EC services for the whole of the Hong Kong trade and transportation community. The case describes the significance of Hong Kong as a trading hub and the benefits to be had in developing a common EC interface and a common database for the whole trading cycle. The question is whether CargoNet should compete or collaborate with the different EC service providers.
CargoNet had already established a presence in Hong Kong''s sea cargo business through the implementation of electronic commerce (EC) services. However, its aim was to develop EC services for the whole of the Hong Kong trade and transportation community. The case describes the significance of Hong Kong as a trading hub and the benefits to be had in developing a common EC interface and a common database for the whole trading cycle. The question is whether CargoNet should compete or collaborate with the different EC service providers.