Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 9 August 2005
Length: 21 pages
Data source: Field research
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SMaL Camera Technologies Chief Executive Officer Maurizio Arienzo was trying to decide what market opportunities SMaL should target. The company had developed a revolutionary imaging technology that powered small digital still and video cameras. Its first-generation product - a kit to power a credit-card-size consumer camera - was a success. Now, Arienzo had to decide whether to focus on beating back emerging competitors in the consumer space, stepping up efforts to crack the security and surveillance market, trying to reach the automotive market, developing a cellular phone camera offering, or making a ?left turn?. The decision would determine whether SMaL ever hit it big.
USD10 million revenues, 35 employees
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SMaL Camera Technologies Chief Executive Officer Maurizio Arienzo was trying to decide what market opportunities SMaL should target. The company had developed a revolutionary imaging technology that powered small digital still and video cameras. Its first-generation product - a kit to power a credit-card-size consumer camera - was a success. Now, Arienzo had to decide whether to focus on beating back emerging competitors in the consumer space, stepping up efforts to crack the security and surveillance market, trying to reach the automotive market, developing a cellular phone camera offering, or making a ?left turn?. The decision would determine whether SMaL ever hit it big.
USD10 million revenues, 35 employees
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