Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
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Describes a firm that publishes an automobile price guide in books (600, 000 units per year) and over the Internet (16,000 users a day and growing). The site can be visited at In the marketplace, they make their money selling books. In the marketspace, they make their money on referrals--referring customers to Auto-By-Tel, a car shopping service and GEICO, an auto insurer, among others.; 1) To show how a trusted intermediary can reconfigure the demand patterns of individual shoppers. 2) To examine the potential price and channel pressure this type of new intermediary may have on the largest industry in the world--autos.
Describes a firm that publishes an automobile price guide in books (600, 000 units per year) and over the Internet (16,000 users a day and growing). The site can be visited at In the marketplace, they make their money selling books. In the marketspace, they make their money on referrals--referring customers to Auto-By-Tel, a car shopping service and GEICO, an auto insurer, among others.; 1) To show how a trusted intermediary can reconfigure the demand patterns of individual shoppers. 2) To examine the potential price and channel pressure this type of new intermediary may have on the largest industry in the world--autos.