Subject category:
Production and Operations Management
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 10 July 1997
Length: 17 pages
Data source: Field research
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Studio Realty created an "Electronic Open House" technology, through which home buyers sitting in a comfortable setting, could essentially tour a home, viewing its rooms, its exterior and surroundings, through clicking on digital images. Studio Realty attempted to sell or license its system to realtors, but found that none were interested. Ultimately, its owners had to establish their own real estate agency in order to create demand for the technology. The case closes with the question of whether homes can be sold with this technology over the Internet.; To help students understand what can cause great innovative ideas to fail.
Studio Realty created an "Electronic Open House" technology, through which home buyers sitting in a comfortable setting, could essentially tour a home, viewing its rooms, its exterior and surroundings, through clicking on digital images. Studio Realty attempted to sell or license its system to realtors, but found that none were interested. Ultimately, its owners had to establish their own real estate agency in order to create demand for the technology. The case closes with the question of whether homes can be sold with this technology over the Internet.; To help students understand what can cause great innovative ideas to fail.