Subject category:
Case Method and Specialist Management Disciplines
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 7 pages
Tradeoff analysis; Negotiation
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Two exercises designed to illustrate the relationship between BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) and reservation prices and three exercises that illustrate the central ideas of Pareto efficiency are presented. The BATNA exercises involve multiple negotiated alternatives and uncertainty. The Pareto efficiency exercises illustrate the value of side payments and differential valuation of issues in the creation of joint gains.
Two exercises designed to illustrate the relationship between BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) and reservation prices and three exercises that illustrate the central ideas of Pareto efficiency are presented. The BATNA exercises involve multiple negotiated alternatives and uncertainty. The Pareto efficiency exercises illustrate the value of side payments and differential valuation of issues in the creation of joint gains.