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Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 29 May 1992
Length: 20 pages
Data source: Field research
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Deals with the issue of an entrepreneur in a very successful company deciding whether to stay through a period of great growth or to sell. What are the entrepreneur''s responsibilities to the organization, to his employees, to the public? As subtopics, the issues of marketing versus having a strong product that sells itself, patents and the legal issues involved, manufacturing problems, and a rising business in a sharply declining market.
Deals with the issue of an entrepreneur in a very successful company deciding whether to stay through a period of great growth or to sell. What are the entrepreneur''s responsibilities to the organization, to his employees, to the public? As subtopics, the issues of marketing versus having a strong product that sells itself, patents and the legal issues involved, manufacturing problems, and a rising business in a sharply declining market.