Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 13 January 2003
Length: 18 pages
Data source: Field research
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Anasazi is a hair-care products start-up based in the Midwest that is going through growing pains as it tries to develop a new distribution model for the professional hair salon industry. The company has completed several rounds of venture financing but needs to raise more capital earlier than expected to continue. It goes through a process of refining and refocusing its strategy to raise the new funds.
Anasazi is a hair-care products start-up based in the Midwest that is going through growing pains as it tries to develop a new distribution model for the professional hair salon industry. The company has completed several rounds of venture financing but needs to raise more capital earlier than expected to continue. It goes through a process of refining and refocusing its strategy to raise the new funds.