Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 15 December 1998
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Generalised experience
Designed to serve as background reading for the 'Managing Your Career' module of the second-year MBA elective Power and Influence. Describes the way in which managers learn and develop through on-the-job experience. Outlines a model for launching a 'success syndrome' by building power and influence over the course of one's career. Also identifies some of the special challenges of: (1) managing one's early career; (2) developing power as a minority in the organization and the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon; and (3) developing ethical judgment. Focusing special attention on the importance of self-assessment and introspection in building a successful career, the note concludes with a list of questions individuals should ask themselves periodically to take stock of their career and personal development.
Designed to serve as background reading for the 'Managing Your Career' module of the second-year MBA elective Power and Influence. Describes the way in which managers learn and develop through on-the-job experience. Outlines a model for launching a 'success syndrome' by building power and influence over the course of one's career. Also identifies some of the special challenges of: (1) managing one's early career; (2) developing power as a minority in the organization and the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon; and (3) developing ethical judgment. Focusing special attention on the importance of self-assessment and introspection in building a successful career, the note concludes with a list of questions individuals should ask themselves periodically to take stock of their career and personal development.