Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 8 pages
Effective managers need to take time and energy to manage their relationships with their bosses. This effort can simplify their jobs by eliminating potential problems. The boss-manager relationship is one of mutual dependence between two fallible human beings. Managers must have a good understanding of themselves and their bosses and use this information to develop a healthy relationship compatible with both persons'' work styles and expectations. They must seek out information about their boss''s goals and pressures by being alert for opportunities to question the boss, and by paying attention to clues in his or her behavior. McKinsey Award Winner.
Effective managers need to take time and energy to manage their relationships with their bosses. This effort can simplify their jobs by eliminating potential problems. The boss-manager relationship is one of mutual dependence between two fallible human beings. Managers must have a good understanding of themselves and their bosses and use this information to develop a healthy relationship compatible with both persons'' work styles and expectations. They must seek out information about their boss''s goals and pressures by being alert for opportunities to question the boss, and by paying attention to clues in his or her behavior. McKinsey Award Winner.