Subject category:
Finance, Accounting and Control
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 26 May 1993
Length: 16 pages
Data source: Field research
Less than a year after completing a leveraged buyout of their own company, the managers of BW/IP International were presented with an attractive acquisition candidate. To buy the target company, however, BW/IP would have to borrow more money and take on more administrative problems at a time when its managers are already very busy. The case asks students to consider how BW/IP can convince its lenders that the acquisition is a good idea. Presents two straightforward valuation exercises. Also permits a careful comparison of the capital allocation processes at a large, low-leveraged, public company, versus a small, highly-leveraged, private company.
Less than a year after completing a leveraged buyout of their own company, the managers of BW/IP International were presented with an attractive acquisition candidate. To buy the target company, however, BW/IP would have to borrow more money and take on more administrative problems at a time when its managers are already very busy. The case asks students to consider how BW/IP can convince its lenders that the acquisition is a good idea. Presents two straightforward valuation exercises. Also permits a careful comparison of the capital allocation processes at a large, low-leveraged, public company, versus a small, highly-leveraged, private company.