Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 10 pages
Global negotiations are increasingly between the people of the United States and global managers, rather than between American companies and foreign nations. These global managers are supranational corporate players who have no particular allegiance to any one nation. The United States is disadvantaged in negotiations because states and cities bid against each other, permitting global managers to play us off against ourselves. To remedy the situation, Reich suggests the creation of a U.S. Investment Representative and a GATT for Direct Investment.
Global negotiations are increasingly between the people of the United States and global managers, rather than between American companies and foreign nations. These global managers are supranational corporate players who have no particular allegiance to any one nation. The United States is disadvantaged in negotiations because states and cities bid against each other, permitting global managers to play us off against ourselves. To remedy the situation, Reich suggests the creation of a U.S. Investment Representative and a GATT for Direct Investment.