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Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 3 pages
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Service companies with branch outlets must decide how much to centralize some of these operations. The Linde division of Union Carbide resolved this by concentrating delivery of product in a few central points but maintaining many "storefront" operations. These storefronts take orders, house some sales staff, and maintain an inventory of cylinders and spare parts for walk-in trade. Full-service field units with marketing, administrative, and operational functions have been eliminated.
Service companies with branch outlets must decide how much to centralize some of these operations. The Linde division of Union Carbide resolved this by concentrating delivery of product in a few central points but maintaining many "storefront" operations. These storefronts take orders, house some sales staff, and maintain an inventory of cylinders and spare parts for walk-in trade. Full-service field units with marketing, administrative, and operational functions have been eliminated.