Subject category:
Case Method and Specialist Management Disciplines
Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 23 June 1988
Length: 19 pages
Data source: Field research
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Americana Hotels decides to lease a resort hotel on Jamaica''s north coast from the Jamaican government. Management must decide whether to operate it as a traditional resort, or as an all-inclusive, club-type resort, similar to those operated by Club Med. The traditional resort appears to be a low-risk, solidly profitable opportunity. The all-inclusive option, on the other hand, has enormous profit potential, but the company has no experience operating this type of resort - and there are major differences in its operational characteristics.
Americana Hotels decides to lease a resort hotel on Jamaica''s north coast from the Jamaican government. Management must decide whether to operate it as a traditional resort, or as an all-inclusive, club-type resort, similar to those operated by Club Med. The traditional resort appears to be a low-risk, solidly profitable opportunity. The all-inclusive option, on the other hand, has enormous profit potential, but the company has no experience operating this type of resort - and there are major differences in its operational characteristics.