Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Length: 8 pages
An information technology, involving the computer processing of information, mathematical programming for decision making, and simulation of higher order thinking through computer programs, will have far- reaching impact on managerial organization. Fewer people will be able to do more work and management will be able to deal with engineering, logistic, and marketing problems more effectively. Psychological problems may arise from the depersonalization of relationships within management, and education will more often take place outside of the organization.
An information technology, involving the computer processing of information, mathematical programming for decision making, and simulation of higher order thinking through computer programs, will have far- reaching impact on managerial organization. Fewer people will be able to do more work and management will be able to deal with engineering, logistic, and marketing problems more effectively. Psychological problems may arise from the depersonalization of relationships within management, and education will more often take place outside of the organization.