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Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 5 April 2004
Length: 26 pages
Data source: Field research
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Describes a potential trans-Atlantic merger between two young companies in the Internet space., based in Seattle, and Rent-A-Holiday, based in Brussels, both offer online listings and reservations for independent leisure lodging (ie, villas, apartments, and bed and breakfast places) around the world. Both companies were started in 1997. At the time of the case (April 1999), the two companies are world-market co-leaders and discussing a merger. While the lodging inventory of both companies is very similar, their most recent post-money valuations have a ratio of approximately 9:1. Merger negotiations have come to a standstill over the valuation issue. Both sides need to decide whether to restart negotiations and what terms to propose.
Describes a potential trans-Atlantic merger between two young companies in the Internet space., based in Seattle, and Rent-A-Holiday, based in Brussels, both offer online listings and reservations for independent leisure lodging (ie, villas, apartments, and bed and breakfast places) around the world. Both companies were started in 1997. At the time of the case (April 1999), the two companies are world-market co-leaders and discussing a merger. While the lodging inventory of both companies is very similar, their most recent post-money valuations have a ratio of approximately 9:1. Merger negotiations have come to a standstill over the valuation issue. Both sides need to decide whether to restart negotiations and what terms to propose.