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IBS Case Development Center
Length: 12 pages
Data source: Published sources
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Wal-Mart Inc, the largest discount store in the world, has been facing a major PR (public relations) crisis. For years, it remained media-shy and was known for its poor relations with the media. But in recent years the company''s public image has taken a severe beating with its business practices coming under severe criticism. A host of lawsuits alleging low wages, gender discrimination and illegal immigrant labour, led to adverse publicity for the company. To repair the damage, the company attempted to refurbish its image through a major PR campaign. The case details the public relations practices of Wal-Mart Inc since its inception. The importance of offensive and defensive public relations under varying externalities could be discussed through the case. Also, the effect of avoiding media and mismanaging media interactions, on the image of the company, can be discussed. The case helps evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the company''s public relations strategy in regaining customer loyalty, amidst uproar against its business practices. A structured assignment ''505-043-4'' is available to accompany this case.
Wal-Mart Inc, the largest discount store in the world, has been facing a major PR (public relations) crisis. For years, it remained media-shy and was known for its poor relations with the media. But in recent years the company''s public image has taken a severe beating with its business practices coming under severe criticism. A host of lawsuits alleging low wages, gender discrimination and illegal immigrant labour, led to adverse publicity for the company. To repair the damage, the company attempted to refurbish its image through a major PR campaign. The case details the public relations practices of Wal-Mart Inc since its inception. The importance of offensive and defensive public relations under varying externalities could be discussed through the case. Also, the effect of avoiding media and mismanaging media interactions, on the image of the company, can be discussed. The case helps evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the company''s public relations strategy in regaining customer loyalty, amidst uproar against its business practices. A structured assignment ''505-043-4'' is available to accompany this case.