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SDA Bocconi
Length: 20 pages
Data source: Field research
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Founded in 1895, Lavazza recently celebrated its first century in business: a hundred years dedicated exclusively to growth in the coffee sector in which the company has invested all its resources in a constant commitment to continuous innovation, in an effort to improve quality and construct the brand image that Lavazza enjoys today - the coffee by definition, the chosen coffee of the Italians. The Italian leader in the sector of roasted coffee, Lavazza had a total turnover of 568,102,589.00 euros in 1997, around 20% from exports. The first step towards the progressive internationalisation of the business, was the setting up of Lavazza France Sarl in 1982. For several years, the French subsidiary remained the sole example of an organic insertion of the company in a European country. Almost twenty years of experience acquired in close contact with the various local situations were necessary to obtain this result, passing from simple indirect exportation in the seventies up to a genuine process of internationalisation of the company.
Founded in 1895, Lavazza recently celebrated its first century in business: a hundred years dedicated exclusively to growth in the coffee sector in which the company has invested all its resources in a constant commitment to continuous innovation, in an effort to improve quality and construct the brand image that Lavazza enjoys today - the coffee by definition, the chosen coffee of the Italians. The Italian leader in the sector of roasted coffee, Lavazza had a total turnover of 568,102,589.00 euros in 1997, around 20% from exports. The first step towards the progressive internationalisation of the business, was the setting up of Lavazza France Sarl in 1982. For several years, the French subsidiary remained the sole example of an organic insertion of the company in a European country. Almost twenty years of experience acquired in close contact with the various local situations were necessary to obtain this result, passing from simple indirect exportation in the seventies up to a genuine process of internationalisation of the company.