Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
IBS Center for Management Research
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Published sources
Goldman Sachs; Organisational culture; Merchant banking; Competitive advantage; Hostile takeover; Partnership structure; Sumitomo Bank; Mergers & acquisitions (M&A); Wall Street; CitiGroup; Charles O Prince; Securities and exchange commission; National Association of Securities Dealers; Asset Management and Securities Services; Henry M Paulson Jr
The case focuses on the organisation culture at Goldman Sachs. It explains the drivers and elements of Goldman Sachs? culture, which has been a source of competitive advantage for the company. Goldman Sachs, which operated based on its 14 business principles, was known for its risk-taking ability, ruthlessness, and conservatism. The case looks into the changes that are taking place in the partnership culture at the organisation after the company went public in 1999. The case also looks into the role played by the top management in the evolution of the Goldman Sachs culture.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for postgraduate courses.About
The case focuses on the organisation culture at Goldman Sachs. It explains the drivers and elements of Goldman Sachs? culture, which has been a source of competitive advantage for the company. Goldman Sachs, which operated based on its 14 business principles, was known for its risk-taking ability, ruthlessness, and conservatism. The case looks into the changes that are taking place in the partnership culture at the organisation after the company went public in 1999. The case also looks into the role played by the top management in the evolution of the Goldman Sachs culture.