Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Darden Business Publishing
Length: 19 pages
Data source: Published sources
This note introduces basic principle of organizational design and the advantages of several common organizational structures. The principles of design introduced are fit, differentiation, integration, technology, size, span of control, staffing, unity of command, and line vs. staff. The structures diagrammed and described are functional, product, customer, geographic, divisional or M-form, matrix, amorphous, and hybrids. The conclusion discusses the new emerging Information Age organizational forms which the author calls ''infocracies''.
This note introduces basic principle of organizational design and the advantages of several common organizational structures. The principles of design introduced are fit, differentiation, integration, technology, size, span of control, staffing, unity of command, and line vs. staff. The structures diagrammed and described are functional, product, customer, geographic, divisional or M-form, matrix, amorphous, and hybrids. The conclusion discusses the new emerging Information Age organizational forms which the author calls ''infocracies''.