Subject category:
Case Method and Specialist Management Disciplines
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1998-05-22
Length: 14 pages
Data source: Field research
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This is the simplified Chinese version of ''9A98G004''. The Singapore-based managing director of Origination and Structuring for CIBC CEF pondered how expansion opportunities in Asia fit with the firm''s Asia-Pacific strategy and what his recommendation would be at the monthly senior management meeting regarding the Canadian investment bank''s expansion into Malaysia. The firm has existing Asian operations in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. From the perspective of the managing director, a decision is required regarding whether the company should locate at all in Malaysia, and if so, which city and how to staff it.
This is the simplified Chinese version of ''9A98G004''. The Singapore-based managing director of Origination and Structuring for CIBC CEF pondered how expansion opportunities in Asia fit with the firm''s Asia-Pacific strategy and what his recommendation would be at the monthly senior management meeting regarding the Canadian investment bank''s expansion into Malaysia. The firm has existing Asian operations in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. From the perspective of the managing director, a decision is required regarding whether the company should locate at all in Malaysia, and if so, which city and how to staff it.