Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Length: 7 pages
Data source: Published sources
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This is the simplified Chinese version of ''9A98E035''. Northwest was a major producer of newsprint, with pulpmills in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, from which they supplied various North American markets. The assistant controller was reviewing which mill supplied which market, in an attempt to find some opportunities for cost savings, and planned to develop and use a model to investigate both the immediate newsprint allocation problem and also some longer-term ''strategic'' issues. (A Microsoft Excel model is available for use with this case, product ''7A98E035''.)
This is the simplified Chinese version of ''9A98E035''. Northwest was a major producer of newsprint, with pulpmills in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, from which they supplied various North American markets. The assistant controller was reviewing which mill supplied which market, in an attempt to find some opportunities for cost savings, and planned to develop and use a model to investigate both the immediate newsprint allocation problem and also some longer-term ''strategic'' issues. (A Microsoft Excel model is available for use with this case, product ''7A98E035''.)