Subject category:
Economics, Politics and Business Environment
Published by:
International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Version: 18.09.2007
Length: 4 pages
Data source: Generalised experience
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This case study (based on a qualitative empirical study of sustainability partnerships) describes internal and external challenges associated with partnerships in general (and in the area of climate protection in particular). The protagonist is head of corporate sustainability in a US-based technology company. He faces internal resistance against climate protection activities. In addition, the climate protection partnership - co-founded and strongly promoted by TechAm - is at a tipping point in light of unresolved issues around governance, strategy, funding and staff. The leading members have picked their low hanging fruits and are in search for the 'next logical step' (eg, advocacy calling for legislation). The laggards are more strongly concerned about organisational issues (in particular governance) and partly attempt to prevent more ambitious agendas.
Total revenues USD15 billion
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This case study (based on a qualitative empirical study of sustainability partnerships) describes internal and external challenges associated with partnerships in general (and in the area of climate protection in particular). The protagonist is head of corporate sustainability in a US-based technology company. He faces internal resistance against climate protection activities. In addition, the climate protection partnership - co-founded and strongly promoted by TechAm - is at a tipping point in light of unresolved issues around governance, strategy, funding and staff. The leading members have picked their low hanging fruits and are in search for the 'next logical step' (eg, advocacy calling for legislation). The laggards are more strongly concerned about organisational issues (in particular governance) and partly attempt to prevent more ambitious agendas.
Total revenues USD15 billion
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