Subject category:
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Published by:
Harvard Kennedy School
Length: 5 pages
Data source: Field research
Notes: For terms & conditions go to
This disguised case concerns contract negotiations between the town of Barkfield, Massachusetts, and its ten-officer police local. After an impasse was reached, the Joint Labor management Committee, a state-appointed standing committee with jurisdiction over all public safety disputes, sought to mediate the dispute through a variety of novel and conventional techniques. Part A provides background on Barkfield and the principal actors in the negotiations, and describes the various, ultimately unsuccessful, efforts at mediation. At the end of the case, the dispute is submitted for conventional arbitration by the committee. Part B presents the arbitrator's decision, portions of which are included in exhibits. Part C presents the reactions of all the parties to the arbitrator's decision.
This disguised case concerns contract negotiations between the town of Barkfield, Massachusetts, and its ten-officer police local. After an impasse was reached, the Joint Labor management Committee, a state-appointed standing committee with jurisdiction over all public safety disputes, sought to mediate the dispute through a variety of novel and conventional techniques. Part A provides background on Barkfield and the principal actors in the negotiations, and describes the various, ultimately unsuccessful, efforts at mediation. At the end of the case, the dispute is submitted for conventional arbitration by the committee. Part B presents the arbitrator's decision, portions of which are included in exhibits. Part C presents the reactions of all the parties to the arbitrator's decision.