Subject category:
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Published by:
Harvard Kennedy School
Length: 19 pages
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The 1982 terrorist bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon, and the deaths of more than 240 Marines, dramatically demonstrated the failure of US policy to keep the peace amidst the Lebanese civil war. But CIA analysts had warned long before that military intervention in Lebanon would not serve US ends. Why weren't their warnings heeded - or their advice regularly sought? How does intelligence analysis fit in the structure of American foreign policy formation?
The 1982 terrorist bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon, and the deaths of more than 240 Marines, dramatically demonstrated the failure of US policy to keep the peace amidst the Lebanese civil war. But CIA analysts had warned long before that military intervention in Lebanon would not serve US ends. Why weren't their warnings heeded - or their advice regularly sought? How does intelligence analysis fit in the structure of American foreign policy formation?