Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
NACRA - North American Case Research Association
Length: 46 pages
Data source: Field research
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Bob Page worked as an auditor and hated it. As a hobby, he started visitng flea markets and collecting china. Friends asked him to look for replacement pieces for them. By 1980, Bob had revenues of $53,000 from his hobby and decided to quit his job to start Replacements, Ltd. By 1997, Bob''s hobby had grown into a business with almost $60 million in revenue and 500 employees. Bob was proud that he had been successful without a business plan, a marketing strategy, budgets, and many of the things that business schools teach a company must have to be successful. However, as Replacements faced the challenges of rapid growth, would it need to adopt more formal management systems? Were there problems Bob had not seen?
Bob Page worked as an auditor and hated it. As a hobby, he started visitng flea markets and collecting china. Friends asked him to look for replacement pieces for them. By 1980, Bob had revenues of $53,000 from his hobby and decided to quit his job to start Replacements, Ltd. By 1997, Bob''s hobby had grown into a business with almost $60 million in revenue and 500 employees. Bob was proud that he had been successful without a business plan, a marketing strategy, budgets, and many of the things that business schools teach a company must have to be successful. However, as Replacements faced the challenges of rapid growth, would it need to adopt more formal management systems? Were there problems Bob had not seen?