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Wits Business School - University of the Witwatersrand
Length: 7 pages
Data source: Field research
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Netflorist Managing Director Ryan Bacher''s wife always gets flowers for Valentine''s Day. His mother always gets some for Mother''s Day. But neither sees him for days around those periods. His head is buried in flowers and gifts, and his mind is racing ahead to ensure that no bouquets are dropped. When Bacher was involved in establishing Netflorist, the company had the normal teething problems of building a business, but it didn''t have to worry about local on-line competition. Now, business is doing really well although it has around 50 competitors, and the numbers are growing daily. In this environment, Bacher''s challenge is to ensure that Netflorist stays on top of its game. Just how to do this is something that occupies his mind as he comes into work every day.
Netflorist Managing Director Ryan Bacher''s wife always gets flowers for Valentine''s Day. His mother always gets some for Mother''s Day. But neither sees him for days around those periods. His head is buried in flowers and gifts, and his mind is racing ahead to ensure that no bouquets are dropped. When Bacher was involved in establishing Netflorist, the company had the normal teething problems of building a business, but it didn''t have to worry about local on-line competition. Now, business is doing really well although it has around 50 competitors, and the numbers are growing daily. In this environment, Bacher''s challenge is to ensure that Netflorist stays on top of its game. Just how to do this is something that occupies his mind as he comes into work every day.