Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
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Version: September 2003
Length: 10 pages
Data source: Published sources
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The Philippines is considered the most sophisticated short messaging system (SMS) market in the world. As a model for community-based innovation, the popularity of a supposedly lower-tech approach in mobile communication has inspired a host of innovative applications that use SMS as a technology tool in business. The case reminds us that sometimes a lower-tech yet innovative approach can unexpectedly overtake a much more elaborate technology. Through its focus on a key aspect of the Filipino telecommunication industry, the case is an illustration of innovation in an Asian context.
The Philippines is considered the most sophisticated short messaging system (SMS) market in the world. As a model for community-based innovation, the popularity of a supposedly lower-tech approach in mobile communication has inspired a host of innovative applications that use SMS as a technology tool in business. The case reminds us that sometimes a lower-tech yet innovative approach can unexpectedly overtake a much more elaborate technology. Through its focus on a key aspect of the Filipino telecommunication industry, the case is an illustration of innovation in an Asian context.