Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
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Length: 31 pages
Data source: Field research
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The case describes the building of a new brand of detergent, Nirma, by an Indian entrepreneur. His product, marketed in a revolutionary way, overtakes the long-time market leader, Hindustan Lever (HLL), the Indian subsidiary of Unilever, which had utterly failed to recognise the threat posed by Nirma. The realisation forces HLL to alter its strategy and mindset in order to regain its market position. The case provides an excellent vehicle through which to examine the key components of a marketing strategy. It also allows discussion on entrepreneurship, and how a new competitor can enter and dominate a market by taking advantage of complacency in multinational companies who rely on global brands that do not necessarily suit all markets.
The case describes the building of a new brand of detergent, Nirma, by an Indian entrepreneur. His product, marketed in a revolutionary way, overtakes the long-time market leader, Hindustan Lever (HLL), the Indian subsidiary of Unilever, which had utterly failed to recognise the threat posed by Nirma. The realisation forces HLL to alter its strategy and mindset in order to regain its market position. The case provides an excellent vehicle through which to examine the key components of a marketing strategy. It also allows discussion on entrepreneurship, and how a new competitor can enter and dominate a market by taking advantage of complacency in multinational companies who rely on global brands that do not necessarily suit all markets.