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Harvard Business Publishing
Version: 18 May 2010
Revision date: 1-Jun-2018
Length: 10 pages
Data source: Published sources
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Rod Calhoun, the Head of the Altoona State Investment Board's private equity investment program, considered the communication he had just received. It was from Permira, the leading European buyout fund, and concerned its fourth fund, to which Altoona had made a 100 million Euro commitment. The memorandum offered investors a chance to reduce their commitment to Permira IV. This potential offer was an attractive one, as it would allow the state pension to address its 'over-commitment problem', one that plagued many institutional investors. But the terms of the arrangement gave Calhoun pause.
Rod Calhoun, the Head of the Altoona State Investment Board's private equity investment program, considered the communication he had just received. It was from Permira, the leading European buyout fund, and concerned its fourth fund, to which Altoona had made a 100 million Euro commitment. The memorandum offered investors a chance to reduce their commitment to Permira IV. This potential offer was an attractive one, as it would allow the state pension to address its 'over-commitment problem', one that plagued many institutional investors. But the terms of the arrangement gave Calhoun pause.