Subject category:
Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour
Published by:
Stanford Business School
Version: 22 May 2006
Revision date: 8-Feb-2023
Length: 28 pages
Data source: Field research
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DaVita, one of the largest operators of kidney dialysis centers in the United States, underwent a remarkable turnaround between 2000 and 2005, a transformation based on building a strong values-driven culture, with an emphasis on fact-based decision making and the theme of 'one for all, all for one' and an emphasis on company as community. Now the company's top management faces a number of challenges, including the integration of one of its largest competitors just acquired in a merger, ensuring management succession and not being too chief executive officer-centric, and dealing with the operational issues confronting a company heavily dependent on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements that do not fully cover the cost of treatment while competing for employees in the health care industry.
DaVita, one of the largest operators of kidney dialysis centers in the United States, underwent a remarkable turnaround between 2000 and 2005, a transformation based on building a strong values-driven culture, with an emphasis on fact-based decision making and the theme of 'one for all, all for one' and an emphasis on company as community. Now the company's top management faces a number of challenges, including the integration of one of its largest competitors just acquired in a merger, ensuring management succession and not being too chief executive officer-centric, and dealing with the operational issues confronting a company heavily dependent on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements that do not fully cover the cost of treatment while competing for employees in the health care industry.