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Stanford Business School
Version: 20 January 2010
Length: 2 pages
Data source: Field research
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This case explores the decision by the famed jeans maker to close a manufacturing facility in San Antonio, Texas in early 1990. The case follows then-Vice President of Operations Pete Thigpen and his team as they wrestle with the economic and human capital impact of closing the US-based plant and outsourcing the manufacture of the company''s Dockers line to a contractor in Costa Rica.
This case explores the decision by the famed jeans maker to close a manufacturing facility in San Antonio, Texas in early 1990. The case follows then-Vice President of Operations Pete Thigpen and his team as they wrestle with the economic and human capital impact of closing the US-based plant and outsourcing the manufacture of the company''s Dockers line to a contractor in Costa Rica.