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Stanford Business School
Version: 2 July 2002
Length: 17 pages
Data source: Field research
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Since the 1960s, corporate venture capital has had a mixed history. Companies seem to form separate venture capital programs during boom years and then withdraw their commitments during economic downturns. This case opens with a fictional situation: Ron Flores, the vice-president of corporate development at AllTech, the world''s largest enterprise software company, is trying to evaluate whether the company should establish a separate corporate venture capital group to spearhead investments in young companies. Flores has two days to put together a recommendation for the company''s CFO. To make his decision, Flores reviews several documents, which make up the bulk of the case, including an overview and brief history of corporate venture capital and an overview of the venture investing activities at Intel Corp, Microsoft Corp, and Xerox Corp.
Since the 1960s, corporate venture capital has had a mixed history. Companies seem to form separate venture capital programs during boom years and then withdraw their commitments during economic downturns. This case opens with a fictional situation: Ron Flores, the vice-president of corporate development at AllTech, the world''s largest enterprise software company, is trying to evaluate whether the company should establish a separate corporate venture capital group to spearhead investments in young companies. Flores has two days to put together a recommendation for the company''s CFO. To make his decision, Flores reviews several documents, which make up the bulk of the case, including an overview and brief history of corporate venture capital and an overview of the venture investing activities at Intel Corp, Microsoft Corp, and Xerox Corp.