Subject category:
Strategy and General Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 2004-02-03
Length: 12 pages
Data source: Field research
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Hamburger Haven is a large fast food franchise with locations around the world. The vice-president and chief financial officer of the parent company must decide what to do with one of the company-owned restaurants. Although this restaurant was unprofitable, he wondered whether the company would be worse off financially if it closed the restaurant and absorbed all on-going financial obligations. The vice-president must evaluate the situation before making a recommendation at the next meeting with the chief executive officer.
Hamburger Haven is a large fast food franchise with locations around the world. The vice-president and chief financial officer of the parent company must decide what to do with one of the company-owned restaurants. Although this restaurant was unprofitable, he wondered whether the company would be worse off financially if it closed the restaurant and absorbed all on-going financial obligations. The vice-president must evaluate the situation before making a recommendation at the next meeting with the chief executive officer.