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IBS Center for Management Research
Length: 16 pages
Data source: Published sources
Madura Garments; Branded shirts and trousers; Peter England; Allen Solly; Van Heusen; ByFord; Louis Phillipe; San Frisco; Readymade men's wear; Planet Fashion; Trouser Town; Positioning, pricing and advertising strategies; Distribution channels and product extensions; Brands and sub-brands; Wardrobe and lifestyle brands
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The case discusses in detail marketing strategies adopted by Madura Garments (MG), India''s leading branded apparel manufacturer that helped it become the market leader in the men''s wear market. The company''s product development, promotion and distribution initiatives are studied in the backdrop of the numerous brands launched over the years. The case takes an in-depth look at one of these brands, ''Peter England'', which became one of MG''s greatest successes. The case also explains how MG kept ahead of the competition by identifying new trends and market segments and launched brands accordingly. The case also attempts to understand how a market leader acts and reacts to changing market conditions and the strategies it adopts to retain its position as the market leader. The case is structured to enable students to: (1) understand the dynamics of the Indian branded men''s wear market and the changing trends in the business; (2) analyse how a company can attain leadership position by straddling as many segments of a market as possible with a wide brand portfolio; (3) understand the importance of product development, pricing, positioning, distribution and promotional exercises in building strong brands; (4) study how a company can strengthen ''old'' brands even as it introduces new and innovative products under them; and (5) understand how a company can sustain its leadership status by continuously identifying new/latest trends or markets and taking steps accordingly. The case is aimed at MBA/PGDBA students, and is intended to be part of marketing curriculum.
The case discusses in detail marketing strategies adopted by Madura Garments (MG), India''s leading branded apparel manufacturer that helped it become the market leader in the men''s wear market. The company''s product development, promotion and distribution initiatives are studied in the backdrop of the numerous brands launched over the years. The case takes an in-depth look at one of these brands, ''Peter England'', which became one of MG''s greatest successes. The case also explains how MG kept ahead of the competition by identifying new trends and market segments and launched brands accordingly. The case also attempts to understand how a market leader acts and reacts to changing market conditions and the strategies it adopts to retain its position as the market leader. The case is structured to enable students to: (1) understand the dynamics of the Indian branded men''s wear market and the changing trends in the business; (2) analyse how a company can attain leadership position by straddling as many segments of a market as possible with a wide brand portfolio; (3) understand the importance of product development, pricing, positioning, distribution and promotional exercises in building strong brands; (4) study how a company can strengthen ''old'' brands even as it introduces new and innovative products under them; and (5) understand how a company can sustain its leadership status by continuously identifying new/latest trends or markets and taking steps accordingly. The case is aimed at MBA/PGDBA students, and is intended to be part of marketing curriculum.