Subject category:
Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management
Published by:
Ivey Publishing
Version: 1999-02-16
Length: 6 pages
Data source: Published sources
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This is the Taiwan-Traditional Chinese version of ''9A99E006''. Harry Lev was reviewing the recent sales reports for Bamberger''s Department Store in an effort to assess whether or not the newly implemented Wednesday evening late openings had had a positive overall effect on sales. He was under some pressure to demonstrate that the sales during the extended hours were more than covering the added cost to the store of the late opening, since he had been instrumental in initiating this change despite strong employee resistance. If he could not clearly show a financial benefit, he could expect pressure to discontinue the experiment. (A Microsoft Excel data file is available for use with this case, product ''7A99E006''.)
This is the Taiwan-Traditional Chinese version of ''9A99E006''. Harry Lev was reviewing the recent sales reports for Bamberger''s Department Store in an effort to assess whether or not the newly implemented Wednesday evening late openings had had a positive overall effect on sales. He was under some pressure to demonstrate that the sales during the extended hours were more than covering the added cost to the store of the late opening, since he had been instrumental in initiating this change despite strong employee resistance. If he could not clearly show a financial benefit, he could expect pressure to discontinue the experiment. (A Microsoft Excel data file is available for use with this case, product ''7A99E006''.)