Subject category:
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Published by:
Harvard Kennedy School
Length: 9 pages
Case method
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This note focuses on techniques for teaching public management cases on ethics. It describes a topology of issues likely to arise in an ethics case and the special potential pitfalls of ethics-oriented case discussion. It focuses, too, on what may be seen as an ethical dilemma faced by a discussion leader of an ethics case as to how to handle his own views and whether and how to assert them. The note also includes a valuable bibliography of related case anthologies and notes.
This note focuses on techniques for teaching public management cases on ethics. It describes a topology of issues likely to arise in an ethics case and the special potential pitfalls of ethics-oriented case discussion. It focuses, too, on what may be seen as an ethical dilemma faced by a discussion leader of an ethics case as to how to handle his own views and whether and how to assert them. The note also includes a valuable bibliography of related case anthologies and notes.