Published by:
Harvard Business Publishing
Revision date: 7-Jan-2025
Smart companies may incur huge losses when they enter unknown territory - new alliances, markets, products, technologies. Failures could be prevented or their cost contained if managers approached innovative ventures with the right planning and control tools. Discovery-driven planning is a practical tool that acknowledges the difference between planning for a new venture and for a more conventional business. Using Kao Corp''s entry into floppy disks, the authors present a step-by-step approach to help companies think differently about planning. Managers should begin with the bottom line and work their way up the income statement, first determining a new venture''s profit potential. May be used with: (9-698-079) ''Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged)''.
Smart companies may incur huge losses when they enter unknown territory - new alliances, markets, products, technologies. Failures could be prevented or their cost contained if managers approached innovative ventures with the right planning and control tools. Discovery-driven planning is a practical tool that acknowledges the difference between planning for a new venture and for a more conventional business. Using Kao Corp''s entry into floppy disks, the authors present a step-by-step approach to help companies think differently about planning. Managers should begin with the bottom line and work their way up the income statement, first determining a new venture''s profit potential. May be used with: (9-698-079) ''Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged)''.